Monday, December 12, 2011

Long hair don't care. Short hair do care.

I recently cut my hair into a nice a-line bob. I previously had hair down to my butt. It was naturally black, very silky, shiny, and extremely thick. Not to brag, it was beautiful. I have no idea why I cut it!! I was fine with my hair being short, and actually loved it! Until this morning when I woke up, and it finally hit me. Ouch. Like a mack truck. Where is my hair!?! It took me 5 whole years to get it that long and beautiful and I had always said I would never cut it, until it became obscene. And just like that, on a whim, I cut it! where was my head at the day I got it cut?? I need to stop doing things like this. It is definitely a cute cut. My friend Emily did an awesome job. However, I'm a little too short and stumpy for it at this moment. Maybe after I start the diet clinic in January I will be happier with my short hair. Probably not though, I had long beautiful hair everyone was envious of, and I cut it! That is like finding the perfect man and for no reason dumping him for a low life. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE..Er.. I AM CRAZY!! Atleast I have the perfect man and I know I won't dump him for a low life. But I did dump my breathtaking hair, and I made my bed.. I have to lay in it. Wah :( Let me share a before and after photo. R.I.P hair....



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