Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rosi Golan-Hazy

This song is just so beautiful. The lyrics, honestly, bring tears to me eyes. Definitely, one for a first dance at our wedding <3 Her voice is just so soft, and romantic. Puts your body right at ease.

Friday, July 13, 2012

a normal day.

Today was a totally normal, average, everyday American SAHM mom day. Gabby and I woke up, I had my coffee, she refused breakfast.  Jared's parents (Mimi and Papa)  came by and asked if we wanted to go eat breakfast ..we accepted! We ate at Ace's where my brothers lifelong best friend works, and he served our breakfast, and Gabby spilled Mimi's tea all over the place. We came home, played, vacuumed the floors, followed by mopping and then dusted. Played some more. Then when I went to start dinner for Jared, Gabby took a nap, good timing! We had steaks on the grill, baby carrots, and loaded garlic mashed potatoes for our Friday night dinner. YUM!
Then, we went on a run/walk and saw the ducks and turtles while Jared golfed. We all met up back home and made cookies and watched "The Incredible Mr. Fox" we all 3 loved it! So good..Jared and I had wanted to see it when we were pregnant w. Gabby.
 Finally, we washed up and got ready for bed, and that is where you find me now! How's that for an average American Friday night with kiddos? I love it and wouldn't have it any other way! It gives me the biggest "flutterflies" (as gab would call them) I just absolutely love every second of being a Mommy! I can't wait to add to our family, we have so much love to give!
Jared has 4 days off in a row!!! Starting today. He is so excited, us too! He is golfing with his dad in the morning, and us girls are going to the gulfarium for the first time w. Gabby then we are all meeting up for frozen yogurt :)
We sound like some sort of sitcom, huh? More like a cleaned up less fake and nit as rich version of the real housewives of New Jersey. Lol ;)
Oh! And Gabby pee peed in the potty all day today! Woo hoo!
Until next time!
Caitlin- with love

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

apple cider vinegar and alfalfa

This is going to be a quick post! I just want to introduce you all to a couple things I've been recently trying and I think are wonderful!
Alfalfa sprouts I have been putting on just about every meal here lately! They are tasty, but very mild so they can even be mixed in fruit Smoothies! This is a site that has a good write up about the little cuties!

And Apple Cider Vinegar- Jared has been taking ACV for months now and absolutely loves it and raves about the stuff- I was hesitant on it and I am just now starting to take the "shots" of it and I'm on day 3 and I can already tell it gives me more energy, cleanses my system and my sinuses are better! I can't wait to see if it helps with my acne i get sometimes! But, let me warn you-we take straight shots of it out of medicine cups- it tastes awful, I mean bad, you have to keep a glass of cold water next to you and we even eat a spoonful of natural honey to chase it. But, the benefits outweigh the horrible taste..I promise! Someone also told me they mix a medicine cupful of ACV in a gallon of water and drink that throughout the day-to-day that's a good idea too!! Below is another link telling the benefits of ACV- I'm in love!

That's what I got for ya today! ;-)
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overcoming anger, and DIY laundry detergent.

Today, I feel a little sad and down. I recently let someone get the best of me, and get me quite upset and angry, which I haven't felt in a very long time. Don't you just hate when you let someone get to you? We are all human and sometimes we let that happen.. I seriously hate feeling that way, it isn't healthy for me nor my family. So from here on out, its not going to happen anymore! I just have to accept the fact some people love to see that side of me for their own evil enjoyment and I can't let that happen, no more! And sadly, I cannot let certain people into me and my families lives. I am the matriarch of my little family, and I need to protect them from people that just want to bring evil into our life. I love God, and I forgive people, but does that mean I have to have them in my life? Does it make me a bad person or a non genuine person if I don't want certain people in my life, people that have done horrible things to me.. I don't think it makes me any less of a Christian or any less of a genuine person just because I don't want certain people in my life. I'm not perfect, and I am human. I don't always talk nicely about the people that have done horrible things to me. And that isn't right, I know. And I'm at fault for that. But, I'm always honest about that, and I would and have told that person exactly how I feel and anything I've said behind their back I've said to their face
I don't go around talking about this person to everyone, only to Jared and a few others, and we don't talk about them all the time, but this person just doesn't stop! So, someone you constantly try to remove from your life keeps popping back up ... how do you stop it? I'm just at a loss... I don't know what to do when they just won't leave you alone! Ugh... I don't know how to keep them out, but I can control how they make me feel and how I react. I need to get closer to my Bible and farther away.from people who cause me pain and stress. I will pray for them, and myself, and for things to be smooth sailing from here on out.
With that being said, I end my rant!
Gabby and I woke up a little late today, 930 am... she had her pancakes, I had my coffee and almonds, then we got ready and ran up to the office I use to work at, and still sometimes do, to notarize some documents for someone. Then to Publix for some meat, and of course we came out of there with some neat organic stuff, other than meat. Lol. And now we are home, cleaning,  playing and fixing to nap.
Oh! Before I go... I  found a wonderful liquid no grate laundry soap recipe. So cheap to make. Everything you need is in the picture, + water.
3 tbs borax
3 tbs washing soda
2 tbs liquid dish soap
8 cups water.
Directions- boil 4 cups of the water, when brought to a boil add all 3 ingredients, and stir til dissolved.  Let that cool, then pour into any gallon container, once in the gallon container cooled, pour 4 cups of cold water in the jug, put the lid on and shake AND IT'S READY TO GO! I used it and my clothes smell wonderful and Jared's dirty work clothes are so fresh and so clean! Hahaha..
I hope anyone who reads this has a great day. And if you have someone who is getting to you, that you can back away from the situation and have a calm mind.
I'm going to take a nap with my sweet princess!
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Organic CANDY! A great find for the day.

Ok, I just found the best website for ORGANIC CANDY! I mentioned in my last post about how we have gone Organic. and I haven't had candy since we made the switch, sure I've had lots of desserts made at the house Organic, but candy was something i thought I was going to have to go without.. But, here it is! And it is all at a reasonable price!!

Here are a few that have me so excited!!!! Can't wait to place and order!! Hope you do too!







Hello, again!

As I pull this up to write a new post, my Gabby has ripped her Minnie Mouse Pullup off and is peeing on her chair while standing on it. Now, I've cleaned the chair and Gabby up and I'm back at the laptop writing this!

Where to begin? I haven't even opened my blog since December... A friend of mine (hey AK!) recently commented on a post of mine on INSTAGRAM, and she said "you need to start a blog" and I let her know, I have one - I keep it under wraps and it has very few posts on it. And I don't know if anyone would even ever be interested in reading my mumbo jumbo.. I'm not very consistent with this blog, and I don't know if I ever will be. What I am consistent with is Instagram - I wish more people would follow me there and I could post pictures and a little blurb about it and go from there. The things I do in my daily life are no better than anyone else, no more exciting, or knowledgeable. However, I have recently had a change of heart on many things in the last few months. First and foremost, I am Gabriella Marie's mother, and Jared's wifey, but I am quickly finding out what I like and who I am outside of being a mother and a wife. And also, caring less of the opinions people have of me. I'm loving more, enjoying life, stressing less, and feeling 100% positive about my life!

Let me see where to start... We have switched to complete organic, whole foods. We are eating so much healthier, no fast food, no processed junk.. whole complete natural foods! We have stopped using anything made with dyes, parabens, and aluminum. Which means, all green friendly products in our house from bathroom cleaner to 'deodorant'. We have found ourselves to be 'Gentle' parents, we do not yell at Gabby, nor do we spank her, and the few times we have, we feel completely empty and sad inside, and Jared and I have decided spanking and yelling at our children is NOT for us, and Gabby learns so much better by getting down to her eye level and explaining to her what she did wrong. We are also looking into homeschooling, but we would like to let Gabby try public school first, and then we will go from there and see if homeschooling or public schooling is for us, but we are very interested in it. Which homeschooling is something I always thought to be cooky and nutty and weird, my whole life! I never thought I would see the day where I thought homeschooling might just be right for my family.
Gone are the days of a worry free teenager who loved her fast food, and thought things were only clean if it smelled of bleach. Gone are the days where I thought children needed to be spanked, and I thought kids needed antibiotics every time they got a cough. Gone are the days I thought a hospital was the only safe way to have a baby. HA! The last 6 months I have found myself so engrossed in everything pregnancy, birthing, and breastfeeding... I was so young and so busy and so naive when I was pregnant with Gabby that none of that interested me besides breast feeding... And now, I could read women's birth stories all day long! I love it! I can't wait to have another little one growing inside of me. Yes, we are trying! Next go around I will have an at home or in a birthing clinic water birth - Had I known better the first time I would have done so much differently - but all that matters is Gabby is healthy, smart, caring, and beautiful! what more could a mama want??
Jared got a new job, making goood money, we are looking for a home now, and I cannot wait to move and get my puppy inside with us, Gabby will be happy too! And to be able to plant my big garden!! :) I have so much to look forward to with my little family. I have also become very very into cooking! I love it! I never thought I would like cooking more than baking, but I do!! Now, if I can just get Gabs to try more food!

Am I rambling? Yeah, I just re-read this and I'm totally everywhere... Oh, well! I'm writing this exactly how I would speak to you!
I feel as though I can not convey to you all the of things I've been doing the last 6 months since my last post, and I'm going to try and keep this blog up for myself and hopefully your enjoyment! Instead of back tracking lets just start now!

Follow me on Instagram too! Caitlin5ash
you won't regret it! ;)

My blogs from my phone will have more pictures I promise!!

We also got our yearly family pics taken by our friend and amazing photographer, Mae Elizabeth! Check her out!! She is interning at Glamour Magazine :) View all her work HERE or Facebook her HERE