Monday, December 19, 2011

Home made bird feeders

My in-laws live on over 100 acres of land out in Jay, FL. We absolutely love it out there, and plan to one day *fingers crossed* build out there. Jared and I were discussing what to get his mother for Christmas, because she told us not to get her anything, but that doesn't mean we won't! We decided blueberry bushes, a painting from Gabby that she can hang up, and what else? Bird feeders! And I had a grand idea to look into how they make those lovely handing bird wreaths you pay about $25 for at Lowes. It was a success, and we actually gave them to her already since it was going to be cold this week, and these will melt in the heat. (Plus, they don't smell awesome, so getting them out of our christmas room was for the best)

What I used:
1 package of gelatin mix
A package of small bird seed feed
2 cups of water
bunt cake pan
and cake pan!

How I made them:
Boil 2 cups of water
Pour in 2 packets of gelatin mix
Let boil for about 10 min.
Let cool for 1 min.
Stir in bird seed
Dump into desired pan (put round object into the middle for a hole if not using a bunt pan)
Put in refrigeration over night.
Turn it upside down and give it a shake and you have got yourself a home made bird seed feeder!!

I cut up an old t shirt and tied it through the center so you can hang it on the tree outside!

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